Check in date: Flexible check-in before 31 Jan; 04, 12 or 19 Feb 2025
Check out date: Academic year (31 Dec 2025)
Half year lease (23 or 30 Jun 2025)
Full year lease (27 Jan or 02 Feb 2026)
Promotion Tier 1 (promotion end date: 31 Oct 2024)
All half-year lease bookings will be eligible for $500 rent rebate + free upgrade to high floor
All full-year lease bookings will be eligible for $1000 rent rebate + free upgrade to high floor
Promo code: <S125MREARLY>
Promotion Tier 2 (promotion end date: 30 Nov 2024)
Flexi short term stay: check-in before 1 Jan 2025, check-out 27 Jan or 03 Feb 2025
All bookings will be eligible for $500 rent rebate
Promo code: <MRFLEXI>
Promotion Tier 3 (direct bookings only):
Refer a friend – $500 e-gift card each per referral to the student who referred the booking and the student who was referred the booking.
Promotion Tier 4:
Group bookings (minimum 3 pax) are eligible for an additional $200 rent rebate.
Promotion Tier 5:
Studio Premium, Deluxe, Deluxe Queen
•All bookings will be eligible to receive a free Australian local SIM card.
Terms and Conditions
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