1. Due to limited capacity, this event will only admit students looking to study in Australia or students returning to Australia to continue their academic years. Parents of students may register for the event and join the event virtually via zoom.
2. Registrations are on a first come first serve basis. An event invitation will be sent nearer the official event date to confirm your RSVP. Y Suites reserves the right to decline attendees who do not meet our registration criteria.
3. During the COVID-19 pandemic, without prejudice to any other rights of the event organiser, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Y Suites reserves the right not to grant entry to attendees who do not meet our requirements under COVID-19 health advisories.
4. Event attendees must abide by all health and safety requirements as may be specified by the Singapore government, including any directions on preventing the transmission of COVID-19, and all other health advisories and guidelines (“Health Advisories”). These include but are not limited to: the wearing of masks, using Trace Together/Safe-Entry, vaccination and testing protocols, and safe distancing measures. Any attendees found not adhering to any Health Advisory shall also be denied entry to the Event or asked to leave the Venue.
5. Where required by Y Suites, you must at the RSVP confirmation stage, provide true declarations of your COVID-19 vaccination status. If you do not submit full and accurate Declarations, Y Suites reserves the right to decline your event registration.
6. Event attendees who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 must at the Venue, display official proof of their COVID-19 vaccination status.
7. Event attendees who have no official proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 will not be permitted to enter the event.
8. By signing up for the event,
(a) You warrant and undertake that all Declarations submitted by you are complete and true.
(b) You hereby consent to, the event organiser, use, processing, and disclosure of all personal data contained in the Declarations submitted by you, in accordance with Y Suites’ Privacy Policy as well as these Terms and Conditions.
9. Please note that Y Suites is required to comply with all Health Advisories. These include but are not limited to admission criteria, safe distancing measures, such as the appropriate segregation, spacing, and separation of Event participants, and rules on maximum seating capacity at Events.
10. To enable Y Suites to comply with Health Advisories, we will collect your Declarations for the purposes of ascertaining the vaccination status of each attendee. This will enable us to assess Event safety, comply with entry and maximum capacity requirements, perform crowd management, arrange for PET, and ensure that your selected seats, seating section, time, and date of the Event are in compliance with all Health Advisories.
11. As such, Y Suites reserve the right to take any actions as may be required to comply with any Health Advisories based on the information contained in the Declarations provided by you, which may include but are not limited to: reallocating or making any changes to your seating arrangements; denying your entry to the Event and/or the Venue; requiring that you submit PET, and postponing or cancelling the Event.
12. The Declarations will be for Y Suites’ internal use and will be accessed only by their employees and service providers, and will not be disclosed to any unauthorised third parties.